A message from The Dean to Cathedral worshippers
Dear friends,
Thank you for your faithful support of Salisbury Cathedral during the last few years. The global and national events through which we have all lived have placed the Cathedral’s sources of income under huge pressure and have increased our costs very substantially. But the generosity of our supporters has enabled us to weather the storm and to emerge.
The experience has taught us afresh the overwhelming importance of building up a reliable stream of income that will not be affected when visitor numbers drop or investments decline. The Cathedral continues to face huge costs – to maintain the historic fabric, to foster the musical tradition, and to sustain the pattern of worship.
The liturgical cycle is now offered as it was before the pandemic struck; the Choir are at full strength and have toured in 2023; we have hosted extraordinary art installations; and visitors are returning. At last we are able to look to the future – for the first time since I arrived as Dean nearly five years ago! The Chapter have agreed an ambitious and exciting new strategic plan in which we reaffirm what you have probably heard me say on more than one occasion – that at Salisbury we advocate liberty, encourage creativity, and seek the eternity revealed in Jesus Christ. We want to grow our network of support and influence, welcome greater numbers to worship with us, and see a wider diversity in our community of visitors and volunteers.
We have much to celebrate and much to be grateful for. Thank you. But I write to you now to invite you to help us meet the challenge of the next few years, and to be a part of what we are planning, by giving regularly to your Cathedral – or, if you already give, by reviewing the level at which you give. The Church of England has long encouraged its members to give 5% of their disposable income to their church, and 5% to other charities. Is that something you could consider?
To assist you, we are introducing to Salisbury a new route for giving regularly. The Parish Giving Scheme (www.parishgiving.org.uk) is a direct debit donation scheme which has been run since 2008. A national operation, it achieves economies of scale, but every pound you give through it will come to the Cathedral. It is an improvement on our existing Standing Order scheme: it is easier to operate and pays Gift Aid to the Cathedral monthly rather than annually, which assists our cashflow considerably.
Please consider giving regularly to support the ministry and the mission of the Cathedral. If you already give, please consider changing to the Parish Giving Scheme. You can make an application by googling ‘PGS Salisbury Cathedral’ or by going to this webpage:
Telephone applications may be made via the PGS office on 0333 002 1260. Hard copy PGS mandates are available from the Chapter Office. Development Manager Jilly Wright or Canon Kenneth Padley will be happy to answer any specific questions you may have.
We have 800 years of history to protect – but a vibrant, creative, living church to nurture. I am grateful to you for being part of our life and hope you will be able to play a part in building our future.
The Very Reverend Nicholas Papadopulos
Dean of Salisbury
September 2023