Cathedral exterior in autumn with fallen leaves on the ground


Our Commitment

Our Commitment  

Salisbury Cathedral is committed to ensuring it provides a safe and caring environment for all, including children and adults who may be at risk of abuse and neglect.

We aim to create safe environments within which our welcome to all is matched by proper and effective safeguards. We act promptly on any complaints made, working in close partnership with Salisbury Diocese on any such matters.

Chapter will ensure we work towards implementing Policy requirements. This is supported by the work of the Cathedral’s Independent Safeguarding Advisory Group and discussions with the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Group.

Along with the Cathedral’s safeguarding documents below, there is a copy of the outcome report following an independent safeguarding audit by INEQE conducted in January 2024.

Our staff and volunteers who work with children and vulnerable adults, are provided with safeguarding training and support.

If you have a general enquiry relating to safeguarding at Salisbury Cathedral please click below to email Jackie Molnar, Chapter Clerk (Chief Operating Officer), or call 01722 555105.

Make a general safeguarding enquiry

If you have a specific safeguarding concern or complaint click below to email the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Jeremy Carter or call him on 07469 857888 or 01722411922.

Decorative Quote

The Chapter of Salisbury Cathedral accepts and adopts in full the contents of The Church of England’s Safeguarding Policy for children, young people and adults, ‘Promoting a Safer Church’.

Salisbury Cathedral, July 2017