
Search results for "node/Chapter House"

A sermon for the Feast for Edmund of Abingdon the church, he might well have remained in Wiltshire, but he appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1234. He was not the Chapter of Canterbury’s first choice, nor their second, nor...

A Sermon for St Matthias Day of the New Testament, the Acts of the Apostles. Immediately after Jesus’ Ascension, we read in Acts chapter 1 that Peter summoned the followers of Jesus (who then numbered...

Waiting in the Pumpkin Patch

...honour except in his own country and in his own house” he declares.   One year Peppermint Patty sits with him in the pumpkin patch.  “Tomorrow” she says, “I get...

Children and Young People

...location each week for a special act of worship. We have sung songs in the Chapter House, prayed with lolly-sticks by the Bug Cathedral, and listened to storytelling at Sarum...

A Sermon for The William Byrd Festival

...small groups rather than large choirs, in Catholic households or domestic chapels. Interestingly, some of these clandestine household choirs seem to have been of mixed gender, reflecting the important role...

Third Sunday before Advent

...we can all call to mind a favourite parable that Jesus told – much less the latter chapters of John’s Gospel, from which our second lesson this evening was taken....

Mary – a Mother for the 21st Century affluent households would go home not only to see their Mothers on this Sunday, but also attend their parish church, or Mother church. This has over the years morphed...

The Feast of Mark the Evangelist

...did in the first century. Mark chapter 13 feels more Advent than Eastertide More famine than feast Yet, today we celebrate the Feast of St Mark the Evangelist. Of all...

Mothering Sunday

...women and motherhood, with such verses as those in Genesis chapter 2 that describe the creation of Eve, the first woman, out of Adam’s rib being interpreted to mean that...