3.3.2024 Third Sunday in Lent 8.00 a.m. A sermon preached by Canon Nigel Davies, Vicar of the Close. “Take these things out of here! Stop making my Father’s house a...
...up close. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere in the beautiful Chapter House, which has been the heart of the Cathedral’s administration for centuries. Study the glorious medieval carved stone frieze...
...that day when, by prior arrangement, the Visitor Services Department (Contact Kate Saykouk or Hannah Paye: groups@salcath.co.uk) will be pleased to organise guided tours of the Cathedral, Chapter House and...
...piece is the perfect complement to Salisbury Cathedral’s rare 1215 Magna Carta, which is on display in a newly updated exhibition in the Chapter House. Magna Carta (An Embroidery) was...
...name of ‘Mary’ has become associated. • In Mark chapter 14 a woman pours oil over Jesus’ head in preparation for his burial. • At the end of Luke chapter...
...As we heard, the Lord says, ‘This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel… I will put my law within them, and I will write...
...recalls us to its unchanging nature. You are now part of that visible expression – as is our Chapter Clerk; as is our Archivist; as is our Clerk of Works;...
...diverse group of worshippers to Chapter, to represent the decisions of Chapter to worshippers, and to get involved in other tasks – for example, helping to run congregational surveys, and...
...smoke. This piece of playground doggerel highlights how perceptions of the narrative recounted in Matthew chapter 2 have evolved over the years. We heard a story about unnumbered wise men....