
Search results for "node/Chapter House"

Tasteless! another memorable scene. It’s Christmas, and the annual Turkey Curry Buffet in the Jones household is attended by the handsome human rights lawyer Mark Darcey. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer...

Safeguarding Sunday Sermon: Christ the King is housed and speak not just to you but to the diocese and further afield on a particular matter. These are ex cathedra moments – speaking and teaching from...

A Lament for the City

...and you were not willing! See, your house is left to you [desolate].”   Our Gospel reading this morning is a lament, an impassioned lament for the city that Jesus...

Advent Hope

...citizens died. These were days of great distress: every house was in mourning. From the window of his parsonage Philip Nicolai looked out onto the churchyard where bodies were being...

Cathedral glaziers remove 145-year-old Pre-Raphaelite stained glass window for restoration

...Barbara Townsend, a former resident of Mompesson House in the Cathedral Close (now a National Trust property) in memory of her brother, Captain George Townsend, who died in 1875 having...

What to See wound up once a day. Originally housed in the former Bell Tower (near the Tea Rooms named after it), in 1884 it was replaced with a newer model –...

Reflection on the Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross

...from the Temple) but we can surmise from the few clues we have that the first house church was the home of John and Mary – commissioned by Jesus himself...

Conserving our Cloisters

...shine a light on our talented stonemasons and explain more about the project. The Cathedral’s Works Department Salisbury is one of only 10 cathedrals to have an in-house team of...


...this had all resulted in the conversion of the jailer and the baptism of his whole household – and it doesn’t even end there, as the consequences of this passing...