
See Magna Carta

Salisbury Cathedral is home to the best preserved of only four surviving copies of the 1215 Magna Carta

The other copies are held in The British Library and Lincoln Castle.

You can learn about this extraordinary document and its legacy in a multimedia exhibition that explores our rights and freedoms, including a new display on refugees and immigration.

Discover how the parchment on which Magna Carta is written was made, and how it has become an internationally known symbol of freedom and justice.

You can enjoy the atmosphere in the beautiful Chapter House, which has been the heart of the Cathedral’s administration for centuries. You’ll also be able to study the glorious medieval carved stone frieze depicting scenes from the first two books of the Bible – look out for the life-like carved heads below the frieze.

Entry is included with your Cathedral admission ticket. You’ll be asked to show it before you enter (max 10 people at a time). Advance booking for Cathedral admission is recommended to make sure you can enter at your time of choice as numbers are currently restricted. You can find more information about our opening times here